Welcome to SLO Pickleball
- We are First & Foremost about having fun … you’ll find friendly folks who would love for you to come and join us in a game.
- It provides exercise for our bodies while we are having fun. The game is good for your coordination, your reactions, your muscle development and your mental health.
- Lastly, San Luis Obispo has the best weather for playing pickleball on the Central Coast!
Come join us! We guarantee you’ll have fun! Questions? Email Us
Mission Statement
- To develop public interest and participation in the sport of pickleball within the City of San Luis Obispo;
- To encourage and support pickleball players of all ages, gender, ability and skill levels;
- To provide pickleball events and activities in the City of San Luis Obispo;
- And, to assist and support the City of San Luis Obispo with the improvement to and expansion of pickleball facilities.
What’s New
- RIP Connie Hanretty Church
- Meadow Park courts now available for play on Sunday Mornings
- Courts reserved by City in June & August, see Calendar for details
- Volunteering opportunities listed
- New Officers and Board Members elected
- New Rules for 2024
Upcoming Events
- Celebration of Life, Connie Hanretty Church, April 5th at French Park barbeque area, 11:45 – 1:15 pm.
- Connie’s Tournament, Saturday April 5th at French Park courts, Signup begins March 24th, 9 am. Click to signup.
- Looking for a partner for Connie’s Tournament? Register here.
- Drop In Lobster Ball Machine Session, 9 -11 am,
3rd Thursday of Month, Meadow Park. - View Calendar
Learn to Play
Pickleball Lessons, in coordination with SLO City Parks & Recreation.
If you’ve not tried this fast growing sport, we conduct city sponsored lessons on Saturdays from 9:30 am to 11:30 pm at Meadow Park.
Sign-up at the Parks and Recreation Department website is required.
See below for lesson details.
- Before coming to our lessons, we recommend viewing this short video describing the basics of Pickleball. Click here for additional tutorial videos.
- We will have all the equipment for you to start playing. Just come to see what the game is about.
- Interested in the History of Pickleball, click here.
For more information about learning to play, click here.
Improve your Skills
Whether you want to gain skills to play in tournaments or just be more competitive during recreational play, skill development can be an important part of your pickleball life. Many players find that there are at least two benefits from visiting YouTube.com to understand the game better and to work on skill development.
First, YouTube has many tutorials on skill development. Just visit YouTube.com and search for pickleball. Some of those are linked in our Learn / Improve page.
And second, there are many videos of tournaments played around the country. Viewing these players will give you an idea of how really good players play.
Periodically, the club will offer Skill Development sessions. Keep your eyes open on this website for our next session.
Where we Play
The following City of San Luis Obispo venues are available for public pickleball play noting, in parentheses, the predominant type of players who play there:
- French Park Upper Courts (Recreational Play) – Three permanent pickleball courts at French Park which are currently opened 7 days a week, 8 am to dusk. City rules apply -Use of pickleball courts is on a first-come first-serve basis. When others are waiting, please limit matches to 11 points, (win by 2 points) or maximum of 30 minutes.
- French Park Lower Courts (Recreational and Competitive Play) – Four temporary pickleball courts on the French Park tennis court which is a multi-use court for tennis and pickleball, see schedule below; and
- Meadow Park (Recreational and Beginner Play) – Three temporary courts are set up on the Meadow Park basketball court on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 9am – 11:30 am. Some Saturdays the courts will be reserved for the SLO City sponsored, Club conducted new player classes.
Each of these venues uses a system to allocate open courts to the next set of players. Click here for more information on this system.
Below is the schedule for play at these venues and a map showing the location of each venue.

The courts in San Luis Obispo are owned by the City of San Luis Obispo. Below is the general schedule of availability to the public. Note, that at times the City will reserve these courts for special events meaning they may not be available to the general public. Check the Calendar for known times when they are not available.
Venue | Time | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat | Sun |
French Upper Ct (Rec Play) | 8 am – Dusk | Pickleball | Pickleball | Pickleball | Pickleball | Pickleball | Pickleball | Pickleball |
French Lower Ct (Rec/Comp Play) | 8 am – Noon | Pickleball | Tennis | Tennis | Pickleball | Pickleball | Drop In | Drop In |
Noon – Dusk | Drop In | Drop In | Drop In | Drop In | Drop In | Drop In | Drop In | |
Meadow Park (Rec/Beginr Play) | 9 am – 11:30 am | Pickleball | Pickleball | Pickleball | Pickleball | Pickleball | Pickleball 11/11/23 – 1/27/24 | Pickleball |
Drop In times are when the court is open to pickleball or tennis if no other activity is currently using the court. See posted rules for time limits.
Join us as a member as we create opportunities to play by:
1) encouraging and supporting the development of new facilities,
2) providing balls and nets and
3) planning social and skill development events.
Click Here to find out about Membership and to make Online Dues Payments.
Events & Photos
Click Here for Upcoming Events
Click Here for Past Events & Photos
Our Newsletter: “The Slam Dink”,
Click Here to see ALL the newsletter issues.
Club News
Click Here for all the latest Club News including Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Current Members (actually some of our founding members)

Contact Us
Board of Directors / Officers (2024)
President, Jonathan Wong
Vice President, Jesse Lee
Secretary, Jody Dugandzic
Treasurer, Carrie Mattingly
Director, Monica Heeney
Director, Paul Simard
Director, David Johnson
USAPA Ambassador, Jean Hyduchak
If you have a question or need to contact one of our officers or board members, please email us at slopickleballclub@gmail.com.