Most of the activities the club provides are conducted, managed and designed by volunteer club members.  Without a volunteer’s idea and effort to implement an idea, many of the benefits of the club would not exist.  For example, new player lessons as well as intermediate and advanced skill development sessions are conducted by club member volunteers.

If you have an idea for an activity or program that the club could offer, feel free to express that idea to a board member.  However, be aware that without one or more volunteers to design, plan and implement that idea, no matter how wonderful an idea it is, it may not come to fruition.

Current Volunteer Needs:

Court Ambassadors:

While most members take an active role in helping visitors understand the on-court procedures and City policies for court use, we would like to establish a cadre of Court Ambassadors to be responsible for those roles.  Court Ambassadors will have access to the lock box code and be responsible for insuring the storage box is opened and closed for each use session.  They will ensure that the lock box is closed and the code is not remaining on the lock box.

Coaches and Trainers:

As mentioned above, one of the club roles is to encourage skill development for local players and club members.  Currently, the club conducts 1) SLO City sponsored new player lessons, 2) intermediate and advanced skill and strategy development sessions, 3) drop in sessions with the the club owned Lobster ball machine as well as access to the ball machine for personal development.  Each of these activities requires responsible volunteers to manage and teach the sessions.

Tournament Managers and Workers:

Club tournaments provide motivation for skill development, social opportunities as well as a way to measure your personal skill development.  They are a lot of fun and provide an opportunity to meet other club members.  In order to conduct our tournaments, we need club members willing plan the tournaments as well a manage them in action.

Public relations and Publicity:

Another role of the club is to promote pickleball play in the community.  We do that by encouraging new players and promoting additional courts.  Outreach activities require interested and experienced volunteers to conduct such activities as well as to provide communication within the club membership.

Social Events

Currently scheduled social events include our annual meeting and picnic late in the year and various dress up days corresponding to national holidays. To make these events successful, we need volunteers to manage and provide support for these activities.

Club Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs

The SLO Pickleball club is a 501c3 non profit corporation managed by a board comprised of officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) and three Directors.  These officers and directors are elected to varying terms by the membership during the annual end of the year election.  In addition, the board appoints various committee chairs to take responsibility of various functions such as membership, publicity, internet communications, etc.

Here are the duties of the Officers and Directors:

  • President: serves as chief administrator of club; prepares Board meeting agendas, newsletters; leads board meetings, reads daily email messages, and responds, if necessary; meets with city officials as primary pickleball advocate; prepares annual goals & objectives; participates and helps at club events (tournaments, socials, etc.)
  • Vice-President: serves as second-in-command of club; prepares meeting agenda(s)and leads board meetings in president’s absence; participates and helps at club events (tournaments, socials, etc.) VP selects an area of interest and leads as committee chair.
  • Treasurer: serves as financial officer of club (bookkeeping, monthly reports, deposits and payments, taxes, annual draft budget); works closely with membership chair to register members, both renewals and new ones; participates and helps at club events (tournaments, socials, etc.); may serve as committee chair.   
  • Secretary: serves as official recordkeeper; prepares minutes including distribution to board and archive file; works with treasurer re: government papers; ensures name changes on essential documents as officers change; oversees club membership program (roster, drive, selection of chair); participates in, and helps at club events (tournaments, socials, etc.); may serve as committee head.
  • Director (Three): attends board and special committee meetings (selects area of interest – training, court maintenance, public relations, membership, tournaments, social events, court hosts, website/media etc.); participates in and helps at club events (tournaments, socials, etc.); may serve as committee chair.