Membership Renewal

If you are already a member please click on this link to complete your membership form and make payment.

Click here to make a renewal payment

New Membership  

To become a member fill out the application below and pay the 2025 dues of $30 per person (Payment by credit card, debit card or PayPal will be $32 to account for processing fees).  Memberships are for a calendar year, from January 1st through December 31st of each year.

Why Should I Become a Member?
  • At $30 per year it’s the cheapest way to play pickleball.   
  • You will be donating to the cause of getting more temporary and permanent pickleball courts in SLO.
  • You will be able to participate in member-only activities and tournaments.
  • Read the Club By-Laws (Click Here)
To Become a New Member 

Paying by check or cash:

  1. Download Membership Form (Click Here),
  2. Print and complete the form, 
  3. Hand the form and check/cash to any board member or mail them to the address on the form.

Paying by credit card or PayPal:

  1. Complete the membership information form below and click the Submit button.
  2. Click on the Pay Now button below to pay with a credit card or PayPal.
  3. Your renewal is not complete without the submitted form and payment.

2025 Dues – $32 when paying with a credit card or PayPal. To pay with your credit card or with PayPal, click on the Pay Now button below.  We use PayPal for card processing, but you are not required to have a PayPal account. 

When using a credit card, a PayPal account not required.

Click on the Pay Now button below to make your payment: